michael kim offerings korean proverbs

12 Fascinating Korean Proverbs From Billionaire Financier Michael Kim’s First Novel

Interspersed in Michael ByungJu Kim’s captivating first novel Offerings are delightful Korean proverbs called sajaseong-eo. In the old days, these wise words written in Chinese characters were recited by scholars and noblemen, and eventually many of these sayings were adopted into the everyday vernacular of the common folk. Sajaseong-eo literally means four character proverb, and…

doljanchi korean first birthday

Guide to Doljanchi: Korean 1st Birthday

Doljanchi 돌잔치 is the Korean first birthday celebration. Dol 돌 means birthday and janchi 잔치 means banquet or feast, so doljanchi technically means birthday party. Though the term always refers to the first birthday party, this event is also called “cheot” dol, 첫돌, or “first” birthday. For the doljanchi, parents celebrate by having a party with many traditional foods and rituals.…

Education: A Look Back to Korea’s Obsession

In theory, anyone who could pass state examinations had a chance of advancing their station in life.  Education is a big deal in Korea.  Korean students are known to spend endless hours outside the classroom in tuition centers, supplementing their normal curriculum with extra-curriculars and test preparations.  It’s not uncommon for many Korean students to…