If you are Korean or if you happen to like K Dramas or Kpop, learning Korean can seem like a fun and worthwhile thing to do. However, learning a language is far from easy and a personal online Korean tutor can seem out of reach and expensive.
I have tried an exhaustive number of methods such as various mobile apps, language games, the standard vocabulary flash cards, textbooks, etc. Out of all of these methods, I found having an actual teacher is the easiest, most accurate and quickest way to learn Korean. The teacher can answer all of your specific or general questions, and tailor their teaching skills to you.
Not to mention, a critical component of language learning is communication, which various teaching methods lack. Having a person to interact with is extremely beneficial for your fluency, pronunciation and overall experience with learning to speak and understand Korean.
However tutors can be pricey! Which is why virtual tutoring sites are very appealing as they are much more affordable with almost the same qualities and benefits. With online-school in full swing, non-Korean speakers can now jump on the trend and learn Korean online as well. Fiverr and Verbling are two websites that offer lessons with an online Korean tutor to teach you via one on one lessons on video chat.
Fiverr, Online Korean Tutor Starting at $5:
Great website for finding and communicating with language tutors and learners. If you wish to learn Korean, you can pick and choose a teacher you want and exchange information via the app.
Just search for “Korean Lessons” and select a teacher to get started. You can even try different teachers since many of them charge just $5 for the first lesson.
The app manages payments but does not offer its own video call function, so most people choose to meet on Skype, Zoom, or other applications to video call.
Verbling, Online Korean Tutor Starting at $12:
Verbling has all of the same functions as Fiverr, except this site does have a video call function. When looking for teachers you are able to see their full schedules and the times they are able to meet. Scheduling a meeting is very simple, you just choose a time that works for you. However, the app only allows for 1-hour sessions, so if you wish to do a shorter or longer one you would have to communicate with your online Korean tutor and make up the time elsewhere.
On the video chat, the client and teacher have the ability to share a screen or document as well as write on the screen. There is also a function in the chat where a teacher can make a mini vocabulary flash card.
Overall, both sites are great for learning Korean and are feasible methods to learning any language virtually during this self-quarantining time period.
After using both live and online tutors, I personally do not see much of a difference because with technology you are able to present documents and screens while teaching. It is also helpful to have a textbook or some kind of course to follow. It’s helpful that many online Korean tutors on Fiverr and Verbling already provide one for you!
Of course tutoring is not a miracle worker and you, the learner, still have to put in time and effort. I recommend meeting once a week for optimal learning and retention. Of course it will help to study and review the topics you learned in the previous lesson but if that is too boring, incorporate more enjoyable learning activities such as reading KPop lyrics, watching K-Dramas and Korean movies, or maybe converse with a Korean speaking friend or relative.
Learning a language takes time, patience and hard work, but now with inexpensive online tutors, it’s easier than ever to learn Korean!
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