19 Did-You-Knows About Korea

Even after twenty years of living in the US, I call my annual trips to Korea “going home.” My teenage daughter, however, describes the same trip as “visiting Korea.” Herein lies the difference in our attitudes – mine is to reconnect with family and friends while hers is to explore new places and experiences. Luckily,…

10 Low Key Signs You’ve Become an Ajumma

Ajummas are commonly featured in Korean dramas as the beloved-but-annoying, loud, nagging mother or neighbor… sometimes as the point of comic relief and other times as the source of anxiety for the protagonists. But what exactly is an ajumma? Do you ever wonder if, now, at your age you’ve become an ajumma?  Google translate will tell you an ajumma is…

Korean Mom with baby

Top 10 Tales Korean Moms Tell Their Kids

[Read to the end 💔] Mother’s Day has this Korean American mom reminiscing about all of the wild and crazy things my mother used to tell me over the years.  You can say it was a hodgepodge of old wives tales, superstitions or just plain old common sense embellished, Korean style.  Here is a compilation…