No surgery eyelift?
Dear Dr. Jhin, I have a lot of loose skin around my eyes and I’m loving the idea of a plasma eyelift. Can you tell me how you feel about this procedure and where it works best?
Although the plasma pen is popular, there are still no guidelines or regulations on this device. It can be administered by any provider, not just physicians. I have seen scarring and pigmentary changes from this device since it is hard to determine the exact depth. I don’t recommend this in Asian patients since Asians can hyperpigment with any form of trauma.
Dear Dr. Jhin, I am thinking about adding microneedling to my facials. What exactly can I expect from this treatment and can I do this at home between appointments? And if so, can you please recommend some products to try at home?
I love microneedling for skin rejuvenation and scarring. If done properly you can see smoother texture and skin rejuvenation. The treatments done at home and by an aesthetician are usually less than 1mm in depth. This is usually not deep enough for deep wrinkles and acne scarring. I can go up to 2.5mm in depth in my office with my microneedling device. My favorite at home device is the Naiian microneedling rolling system.
Latisse Backlash
Dear Dr. Jhin, I have developed an allergy to Latisse but don’t want to go back to stubby eyelashes! I used to be fine with this product but a year later, the skin around my eyes gets red and irritated. Is there anything I can do about this new reaction so I can go back to Latisse? Or is there something else you recommend?
Latisse can sometimes cause an irritation or an allergy. It is a prescription grade medication and the results can be impressive, however, it may cause more of a reaction. I suggest trying some of the over the counter eyelash growth serums which contain less prostaglandin analogues such as: Revitalash, Grandelash, Obagi Nu-cil eyelash growth serums.
Help for Rosacea and Large Pores
Dear Dr. Jhin: I had fairly great skin until a few years ago when I mysteriously developed rosacea on my cheeks. I’m covering up my rosacea with makeup but I’d love to be able to get rid of it for good. I’m also noticing that my pores are getting larger as I get older. Is there anything I can try at home or at a clinic to reduce the size of my pores?
Unfortunately, rosacea is a chronic condition and there’s no cure. However, there are great medications that can control your rosacea that your dermatologist can prescribe. Also with rosacea, it’s important to avoid triggers that make your skin flare.
Rosacea triggers include anything that makes your blood vessels dilate or your face turn red or flush which can include: hot drinks and spicy foods, red wine or other alcohol, extreme temperatures, sun, stress or emotions, and exercising to name a few.
In terms of your pores getting larger, there’s unfortunately no cream that will make them smaller. I don’t know of any at-home devices. Sometimes, we do laser treatments that help to tighten the pores and make them look smaller.
Flying to Korea for Dermatology
Dear Dr. Jhin: Many of my friends go to Korea to get laser treatments like Fraxel and IPL saying that it’s so much cheaper there. Is it really worth it to go all the way to Korea to get these treatments? What are the pros and cons?
Yes, laser and cosmetic treatments can be cheaper in Korea. They also understand Asian skin and will use the best lasers for your skin type. With that said, these treatments work best if done in a series typically 3-5 treatments to get the best results. So in the long run, flying back and forth to Korea to get these treatments will end up being more expensive. I suggest seeing a dermatologist who understands Asian skin and they can do these treatments for you in the US.
More answers from Dr. Jhin:
- Dermatologist Marie Jhin Answers All Our Urgent K-Beauty Skincare Questions
- Ask the Dermatologist: How to Achieve Red Carpet Glow + Home Facial Tips
- Ask the Dermatologist: 8 Things to Know Before Getting Botox
- Ask the Dermatologist: Should I Go to Korea to Get Laser Treatments?